All the stock market investing tools you need in one place. Use this page to keep track of news, company earnings, and to use the stock screener to find attractive stocks based on your fundamental and/or technical criteria. Once you find an interesting stock, research the fundamentals and use the technical analysis chart to view technical indicators and to draw trend lines, support and resistance lines, etc. to determine your entry and exit points. Happy investing!
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Live Indices
Live indices tracks the movements of the world's major stock exchanges.
News Feed
Live streaming news and breaking stories from nearly 500 news sources.
Stock Screener
Click the "Filters" icon in the top right corner of the widget to select the fundamental and/or technical criteria you want to use to screen for stocks.
Technical Analysis Chart
Enter the ticker symbol you want to view and click on the “fx” in the heading of the chart to select the technical indicators you want to add. Use the drawing tools on the left side of the chart to add trend lines, support and resistance lines, etc.
Earnings Calendar
Click on "Filters" to select a country whose earnings calendar you want to view.